
英 [ˈɒnə(r)] 美 [ˈɑːnər]

n.  尊敬; 尊重; 崇敬; 荣幸; 光荣; 正义感; 道义; 节操
v.  尊敬,尊重(某人); 给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号); 信守,执行(承诺)



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2382 / COCA.32290



    尊敬 respect

  1. 尊敬;尊重;崇敬
    great respect and admiration for sb
    1. the guest of honour (= the most important one)
    2. the seat/place of honour (= given to the most important guest)
      上座 / 席
    3. They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.
  2. 荣幸 privilege

  3. 荣幸;光荣
    something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect
    1. It was a great honour to be invited here today.
  4. 道德品行 moral behaviour

  5. 正义感;道义;节操
    the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right
    1. a man of honour
    2. Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour.
  6. 名誉 reputation

  7. 荣誉;名誉;他人的尊敬
    a good reputation; respect from other people
    1. upholding the honour of your country
    2. The family honour is at stake.
  8. 引起尊敬的人 / 事物 sb/sth causing respect

  9. 引起尊敬(或尊重、崇敬)的人(或事物)
    a person or thing that causes others to respect and admire sth/sb
    1. She is an honour to the profession.
  10. 奖励 award

  11. (为表扬某人的)奖励,荣誉称号,头衔
    an award, official title, etc. given to sb as a reward for sth that they have done
    1. the New Year's Honours list (= in Britain, a list of awards and titles given on January 1 each year)
    2. to win the highest honour
    3. He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect).
  12. 大学;学校 at university/school

  13. 大学荣誉学位课程;(美国学校的)优等班
    a university course that is of a higher level than a basic course (in the US also used to describe a class in school which is at a higher level than other classes)
    1. an honours degree/course
      荣誉学位 / 课程
    2. a First Class Honours degree
    3. I took an honors class in English.
  14. 优异成绩
    if you pass an exam or graduate from a university or school with honours , you receive a special mark/grade for having achieved a very high standard
    1. 法官;市长 judge/mayor

    2. 法官大人;(美国)市长阁下
      a title of respect used when talking to or about a judge or a US mayor
      1. No more questions, Your Honour.
    3. 纸牌游戏 in card games

    4. 最大点数的牌
      the cards that have the highest value


        表示敬意 show respect

      1. 尊敬,尊重(某人)
        to do sth that shows great respect for sb/sth
        1. The President honoured us with a personal visit.
        2. our honoured guests
        3. I'm glad to see that you've decided to honour us with your presence !
      2. 颁奖 give award

      3. 给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)
        to give public praise, an award or a title to sb for sth they have done
        1. He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work.
      4. 遵守诺言 keep promise

      5. 信守,执行(承诺)
        to do what you have agreed or promised to do
        1. I have every intention of honouring our contract.
        2. to honour a cheque (= to keep an agreement to pay it)


        in AM, use 美国英语用 honor

      1. N-UNCOUNT 正义感;道义;气节
        Honour means doing what you believe to be right and being confident that you have done what is right.
        1. The officers died faithful to Poland and to the honour of a soldier...
        2. I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government.
      2. N-COUNT 荣誉;特殊奖励
        An honour is a special award that is given to someone, usually because they have done something good or because they are greatly respected.
        1. Most of the high honours usually go to long-serving MPs loyal to the government...
        2. He was showered with honours—among them an Oscar.
      3. VERB 授予…荣誉;给予…表彰
        If someone is honoured, they are given public praise or an award for something they have done.
        1. Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology...
        2. Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.
      4. N-SING 荣幸;光荣;殊荣
        If you describe doing or experiencing something as an honour, you mean you think it is something special and desirable.
        1. Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games...
        2. Tchaikovsky was given a state funeral—the first commoner to be granted this honour...
        3. Michael said: 'It's an honour to finally work with her.'...
        4. Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me.
      5. V-PASSIVE 使感到荣幸;使引以为荣
        If you say that you would be honoured to do something, you are saying very politely and formally that you would be pleased to do it. If you say that you are honoured by something, you are saying that you are grateful for it and pleased about it.
        1. Peter Alliss says he would be honoured to be asked...
        2. It's a very flattering offer, and I'm honoured by your confidence in me.
      6. VERB 尊重;尊敬
        To honour someone means to treat them or regard them with special attention and respect.
        1. Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch...
        2. Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.
      7. VERB 执行(协议);履行(诺言)
        If you honour an arrangement or promise, you do what you said you would do.
        1. The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire...
        2. Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital.
      8. N-UNCOUNT (大学)优等学位,荣誉学位
        Honours is a type of university degree which is of a higher standard than a pass or ordinary degree.
        1. ...an honours degree in business studies.
      9. N-VOC (美国对法官、市长等的尊称)阁下,大人(当面称呼时用 your honour,其他场合提及时用 his honour 或 her honour)
        Judges, and mayors in the United States, are sometimes called your honour or referred to as his honour or her honour .
        1. I bring this up, your honor, because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant.
        2. ...His Honour Judge Brodrick.
      10. See also: guest of honour lap of honour maid of honour
      11. PHRASE 尽主人之谊;主持
        If someone does the honours at a social occasion or public event, they act as host or perform some official function.
        1. A well-known television personality did the honours at the official opening of the show.
      12. PREP-PHRASE 为庆祝…
        If something is arranged in honour of a particular event, it is arranged in order to celebrate that event.
        1. The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.
      13. PHRASE 为了向…表示敬意
        If something is arranged or happens in someone's honour, it is done specially to show appreciation of them.
        1. He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris...
        2. The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus.


      1. It is indeed an honour to serve my country in such an esteemed position.
      2. The officers died faithful to Poland and to the honour of a soldier
      3. I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government.
      4. Most of the high honours usually go to long-serving MPs loyal to the government
      5. He was showered with honours — among them an Oscar.
      6. Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology
      7. Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.
      8. Tchaikovsky was given a state funeral — the first commoner to be granted this honour
      9. Michael said: 'It's an honour to finally work with her.'
      10. Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me.
      11. Peter Alliss says he would be honoured to be asked
      12. It's a very flattering offer, and I'm honoured by your confidence in me.
      13. Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch
      14. Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.
      15. The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire
      16. Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital.
      17. A well-known television personality did the honours at the official opening of the show.
      18. The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.
      19. He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris
      20. The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
      21. I impressed on him what a huge honour he was being offered.
      22. Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility
      23. The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other
      24. Such honour is unbecoming to [ for] him.
      25. On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications.
      26. He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour.
      27. This is a reflection upon your honour.
      28. I refuse to honour your bill.
      29. I have the honour to inform you that*;


        respect admiration esteem honour【导航词义:尊敬,尊重】

        respect n. 尊敬,敬重


      Her kindness has earned the respect of her neighbours.
      All his colleagues have the greatest respect for his work.

        admiration n. 敬佩,佩服


      The young man gazed at her in admiration.
      His whole family was full of admiration for the rescuers.

        esteem n. 尊敬,敬重


      The readers held this writer in great esteem.
      There has been a drop in public esteem for teachers.

        honour n. 崇敬,敬重


      For all the players, winning this game is a matter of national honour.
      He decided to meet the challenge in order to defend the honour of his family.



        do sb an honour

        do sb the honour (of doing sth)

      • 使增光;赏光;给…带来荣誉
        to do sth to make sb feel very proud and pleased
        1. Would you do me the honour of dining with me?
      • do the honours

      • 履行社交责任;执行仪式
        to perform a social duty or ceremony, such as pouring drinks, making a speech, etc.
        1. Would you do the honours and draw the winning ticket?
      • have the honour of sth/of doing sth

      • 得到某殊荣;有幸做某事
        to be given the opportunity to do sth that makes you feel proud and happy
        1. May I have the honour of the next dance?
      • (there is) honour among thieves

      • 盗亦有道
        used to say that even criminals have standards of behaviour that they respect
        1. (feel) honour bound to do sth

        2. (感到)道义上应做某事
          to feel that you must do sth because of your sense of moral duty
          1. She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to.
        3. the honours are even

        4. 势均力敌;不分胜负
          no particular person, team, etc. is doing better than the others in a competition, an argument, etc.
          1. in honour of sb/sth

            in sb's/sth's honour

          2. 为向…表示敬意
            in order to show respect and admiration for sb/sth
            1. a ceremony in honour of those killed in the explosion
            2. A banquet was held in her honour.
          3. on your honour

          4. 用人格担保;以名誉担保
            used to promise very seriously that you will do sth or that sth is true
            1. I swear on my honour that I knew nothing about this.
          5. 受到信任;被信赖
            to be trusted to do sth
            1. You're on your honour not to go into my room.
          6. a point of honour

          7. 事关名誉的大事
            a thing that sb considers to be very important for their honour or reputation


              be/feel honoured (to do sth)

            • (做某事)感到荣幸
              to feel proud and happy
              1. I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech.



            1. a woman's virtue or chastity

                Synonym:    honorpuritypureness

              1. the quality of being honorable and having a good name
                1. a man of honor

                Synonym:    honor

              2. a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
                1. an award for bravery

                Synonym:    awardaccoladehonorlaurels

              3. the state of being honored

                  Synonym:    honorlaurels


                1. accept as pay
                  1. we honor checks and drafts

                  Synonym:    honor

                2. show respect towards
                  1. honor your parents!

                  Synonym:    respecthonorabide byobserve

                3. bestow honor or rewards upon
                  1. Today we honor our soldiers
                  2. The scout was rewarded for courageous action

                  Synonym:    honorreward