My kids are6 and8, and I often feel that now is the time to instill my values in them, before they are teens ( or pre-teens) and peer pressure takes over. 我有两个孩子,分别是6岁和8岁,我常常觉得现在是时候向他们灌输我的价值观了,要赶在他们长到十几岁之前。
To instill in researchers an understanding of the importance and strategic value of their work. 灌输研究者们对自己工作重要性和策略价值的认知。
But does that portrayal reflect a pre-existing expectation that film buffs hold or does it instill it? 但是那些描绘反映影迷们所把握的那些先前存在的期待或会对他们灌输那样的思想吗?
A better strategy, however, is to instill trust in management and peer groups. 然而,更好的策略是给管理人员和相关人员逐渐灌输对您的信任。
It is to improve and develop our socialist system, instill vitality into socialism and build Chinese-style socialism. 就是要推动我国社会主义制度自我完善和发展,赋予社会主义新的生机活力,建设和发展有中国特色社会主义;
Them, and instill in them a sense of wonder about the world around them. 们,并灌输他们对身处的这个世界的好奇心。
Instill ideas into a person's mind. 将观念逐渐灌输进入的头脑。
GSTI faculty members strive to instill professional sense of conduct and ethics in both their regular students and short-term trainees. 口笔译研究生院的专业教师努力灌输职业上的行为和道德意识,使其正式学生和短期培训学员都能接受。
You strengthen your own ego by helping other people to develop theirs, and you instill confidence and self-worth in those around you through your magnetism and dignity. 你用帮助他人发展来强化自己的自尊,你通过你的个人魅力和尊严向周围的人灌输信心和个人价值。
How do we instill more social values in the industry? 我们如何向该行业灌输更多的社会价值观?
To instill courage or life into; animate. 鼓舞注入勇气或生命;使充满活力。
That's a lesson Michelle and I have tried to instill in our daughters with the White House vegetable garden that Michelle planted. 我的太太米歇尔在白宫种植了菜园,她和我也正在把垃圾食品的教训灌输给我们的女儿。
The easy rhythm and pop arrangement even instill a feeling of musical eroticism. 轻松的旋律和节奏安排甚至给我们一种非常愉悦的感觉。
Instill optimism and self-confidence, but stay grounded in reality. 虽说要乐观自信,但也要脚踏实地。
He wanted to instill in young Americans a sense of mutual political commitment that crossed ethnic and class boundaries. 他想超越种族与阶级界限,给美国年轻人灌输一种共同的政治责任感。
"We are trying to instill that which is important that which can impact their life" he added. “我们尝试逐步培养学生认识什么是重要的什么能够影响他们的生活,”他补充。
They tried to instill such new ideas into students'minds. 他们努力将这些新观念灌输到学生的头脑中去。
Don't be afraid of making a mistake and instill this in your subordinates. 不要害怕犯错误,让你的下属也认同这一点。
Organization was a critical skill that teachers tried to instill in us at an early age. 教师对我们从小灌输非常重要的生活组织能力。
To inspire, impact and instill abundance in life. 为了激励,影响和灌输丰富的生活。
A good teacher should have the ability to instill the desire to learn in the students. 好的教师应具备将求知欲逐渐灌输给学生的能力。
He won't instill fear in opponents. He's not passionate enough. 他不愿直面队友,他无法使对手感到恐惧,他不够激情。
There are other ways to instill freedom, creativity and initiative than to depend on the absence of guidance. 要给孩子灌输自由和创造并不一定要建立在无章无法的基础上。
And where will people come from that, if they all follow the psychology of fear and? self-interest that Hobbes wants to instill in us? 如果都按霍布斯灌输给我们的那样想,时刻保持着恐惧和利己的心态,那又从哪招募那些消防员,警察和军人呢?
In addition, they can instill a sense of sportsmanship and fair play in young people that will be useful in all their future endeavors. 此外,游戏可以灌输给年轻人运动家精神以及公平比赛的观念,而这些观念在他们未来努力的过程中是很有用的。
They instill in you the legacy of Confucianism, especially the values of hierarchy and hard work. 他们慢慢给你灌输儒家的传统思想,特别是等级和努力工作的价值。
Instill the love of learning in each student. 把对学习的爱慢慢渗透到每个学生的心里。
Good leaders instill their personality and beliefs into the fabric of their organization, Flaxington says. 优秀的领导人都会将自己的个性和信念注入企业组织结构中,Flaxington表示。
The study of law will instill in the law student a critical method of analyzing facts and situations. 对法律的研习会给法律专业的学生灌输一种分析事实和情况的判断方法。
Celebrating individual accomplishment could not only invigorate our employee morale, but also instill work with meaning and joy. 庆祝个人的成就不仅能够鼓舞员工的士气,而且为员工灌输工作的意义与乐趣。