In the mid-eighteenth century the production of food far outstripped the rise in population 18世纪中叶食物的产量远远超过人口的增长。
Smaller dialects like Wu and Cantonese outstrip the entire population of Persian and Malay speakers. 相对较少人使用的吴语和粤语这两种方言的使用者数量,超过了波斯语和马来西亚语使用者人数之和。
Given that the inflows far outstrip trade and direct foreign investment, China appears to be receiving vast amounts of speculative hot money. 鉴于资本流入远远超过贸易和外国直接投资总量,中国似乎正在接收巨额的投机性热钱。
The growth of expenditure will continue to outstrip GDP growth in the next three years. 预计未来三年公共开支增长,会继续高于本地生产总值增长。
The health service produces infinite demand which will always outstrip supply. 社会保健服务会带来永远超过供应的极大的需求。
The by-product has been an increasing reliance on dirty coal and a surge in greenhouse gas emissions, an area in which China will outstrip the US this year. 由此造成的后果是,中国对高污染煤炭的依赖度不断提高,温室气体排放量也大幅增长。今年,中国将超过美国,成为温室气体排放第一大国。
The latter is proposed in a paper from McKinsey, which argues that over the next two decades investment demand from China and other big emerging economies will outstrip global savings. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)的一份报告提出了后一种观点,认为未来20年内,来自中国和其它大型新兴经济体的投资需求将超过全球储蓄。
The theory is that advertising revenue will outstrip subscription revenue. 其中的理论依据是,广告收入将超过订阅收入。
Past figures show, for instance, that economic growth among world champions tends to outstrip that in the losing finalist countries during a World Cup year. 例如,过去的数字表明,获得冠军的国家当年的经济增长往往超过了获得亚军的国家。
Were inflation to outstrip wage growth, it could have the perverse effect of shrinking demand. 如果通胀率超过工资涨幅,可能导致需求减少,起到反作用。
In emerging markets, positive perceptions now generally outstrip negative ratings. 在新兴市场,如今对银行业作积极评价的人普遍多于作消极评价的。
UnlikeChina's population, India's will stay young and energetic for years to come, so its growth rate could soon outstrip that of rapidly ageingChina. 与中国有所不同,印度在未来的一段时间内将保持年轻与活力,因此它的经济增长将很快超越人口迅速老迈的中国。
Tom can outstrip most boys both in sports and in studies. 汤姆在运动上和在功课上均能超过一般的孩子。
Nearly 60 per cent of those polled believe mainland Chinese companies will outstrip rivals in countries such as India and Japan in outbound merger and acquisitions activity in established world markets. 近60%的受访者相信,中国大陆企业针对全球成熟市场的对外并购活动,将超过印度和日本等国家的对手。
Trees outstrip most people in the extent and depth of their work for the public good. 树对公众利益做出的贡献在广度上和深度上都超过了绝大多数人。
Standard Chartered, the emerging markets bank, yesterday pointed to strong income growth across its territories but added that further investment spending meant that cost growth would outstrip income growth in the first half of the year. 渣打银行(standardchartered)昨日表示,来自各地的收入均呈现强劲增长,但这家新兴市场银行补充道,进一步的投资支出意味着,上半年的成本增长可能超过收入增长。
The forecasts outstrip rivals 'figures released last month. 上述预测超过了竞争对手上月发布的数据。
It is not just the economy that seems to outstrip all the sceptics, but diplomacy as well. 不仅中国经济似乎超出了怀疑论者的意料,而且外交方面也是如此。
He can outstrip his friend both in sports and in studies. 他能在体育和学习方面胜过他的朋友。
If the oil price falls further, Apple will surely outstrip it. 如果油价进一步上涨,那么苹果显然会稳稳地超过它。
That would, he pointed out, outstrip the flow of traditional international aid or private sector investment in infrastructure projects. 他指出,这将超过传统国际援助资金或私营部门基建项目投资。
Because it takes years to find and then exploit new reserves, demand can outstrip supply for long periods. 由于寻找开发新储蓄需花费数年,从长期看,需求能够超过供给。
Families are struggling to afford the basics in life as price rises far outstrip any increase in their wages. 物价飞涨远高于薪水的增加,这种情形下,家家户户都得为维持最基本的日常开销而费尽心思。
The payoff from conserving oil could soon outstrip that of drilling for it. 囤积石油的回报,会很快超过开采石油。
It is possible for us to outstrip the advanced countries in the world. 我们能超过世界上先进的国家。
They say government workers enjoy expensive salaries and benefits that outstrip those enjoyed by the corporate labor force. 这些人说,政府规模庞大,造成了当前的经济衰退,政府雇员工资高,福利好,远远超过私人企业劳工。
In the future it is likely that the destructive potential of weaponry will outstrip most protective systems. 到了将来很有可能是攻击武器的破坏能力会压倒最好的防卫系统。
As demand for organ transplants continues to outstrip supply, a team of scientists from the University of Sunderland are hopeful they may have found a way to expand the donor pool. 因为器官移植的需求仍然超过供应,来自森德兰大学的一组科研人员充满希望,他们可能发现了扩大器官捐赠库的方法。
The industry let the growth in new instruments outstrip the operational capacity to manage them. 金融行业中管理新工具的经营能力,未能跟得上它们的增长。