VERB 正式签署;批准;认可 When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it, usually by signing it or voting for it.
The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty. 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。
The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty. 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。
Before effective change can occur, Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties. 要出现实质性变化,列支敦士登必须签署和批准新的法律协助合约。
I call on those states that have not yet done so to ratify and implement the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families. 我呼吁那些尚未批准和执行《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的国家批准和执行这项《公约》。
Does China have any intention to ratify the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights ahead of the Olympics? 中国还没有批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,我想问一下,中方是否打算在北京奥运会召开之前批准《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》?
Each signatory country will then have to ratify it at home. 届时各签字国将在国内批准实行这一协议。
We will work to ratify and bring into force the test ban treaty. 我们将为使《禁止核试验条约》获得批准并生效而努力。
Countries can sign the treaty, and once their laws conform with the treaty, their national legislatures can ratify it. 各国都可以签署这个公约。一旦他们的法律与公约一致,他们的国家立法机构就可以批准这个法律。
The leader of the New Republic had no choice but to ratify this treaty. 新共和国领导人除批准此约外,别无它法。
Increasingly more attention is being paid to implementation assistance, as more states ratify the universal instruments. 随着更多国家批准全球文书,对执行方面的援助的重视程度越来越高。
On this International Day, I urge all States to ratify and implement the relevant legal instruments, and to cooperate fully with the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery. 值此国际日,我敦促所有国家批准和执行相关法律文书,并与联合国当代形式奴隶制问题特别报告员充分合作。
Medvedev expressed hope that Moscow and Washington would ratify the new strategic arms reduction treaty in the near future. 梅德韦杰夫表示,希望莫斯科和华盛顿能在不久的将来签订新的削减战略武器条约。
The US has yet to ratify the convention. 美国还未批准该公约。
It enabled America to negotiate and ratify a strategic arms-reduction treaty. 它使美国能够协商和批准一个战略性的裁军条约。
It is not part of the UN and is accountable to the countries that ratify its statute. 法院不是联合国的一部分,它对批准其规约的国家负责。
Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1787年,特拉华成为批准美国宪法的第一个州。
The heads of the three sides met to ratify the trade treaty. 三方首脑会晤批准贸易条约。
It is a national security imperative that the United States ratify the new START treaty this year. 从国家安全角度讲,美国在今年通过新的战略核武器消减条约是势在必行的。
The government of Honduras refused to ratify the convention. 洪都拉斯政府拒不批准该约。
The United States Senate refused to ratify the treaty. They repudiated President Wilson's signature. 美国参议院拒绝批准条约,否决了威尔逊总统的签署。
Urges all States to sign and ratify, accept or approve or accede to the Convention. 敦促所有国家签署和批准、接受、核准或加入该公约。
In 1788, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the US Constitution. 1788年的今天,麻萨诸塞州成为第六个批准美国宪法的州。
Since the lion has spared you, I will for this time ratify your pardon. 既然狮子饶了你,我这次也赦免你。
Clearly the EU treaty changes needed to establish the EMF and EDA will take time to ratify and implement. 显然,建立emf和eda所需的欧盟条约修改将需要时间来批准和实施。
On financial reform, the new Basel accords, which governments may ratify in Seoul, are meagre progress. 在金融改革方面,各国政府有望在首尔批准的新巴塞尔协议只代表了微弱的进展。
Currently, China is positively considering to ratify the protocol. 目前,中国正积极研究批准该议定书。
Congress has on several occasions refused to ratify treaties or give approval to laws proposed by the President. 国会已经有好几次拒绝批准总统提交的条约或拒绝通过其提交的法律条例。
Fiji was the third country in the world, and the first developing country to ratify. 斐济是世界上批准该公约的第三个国家,也是第一个发展中国家。
The treaty is ratify by congress. 国会批准了该条约。
The President can make treaties, but the Senate must ratify them. 总统可以签订条约,但须经过参议院的批准。