He retraced his steps to the spot where he'd left the case. 他折回到他丢下箱子的地方。
I tried to retrace my steps over the past several days. 我试着重复前几天的动作。
If the system is not accurately isolating the defects, retrace the steps and try again. 如果系统没有准确地分隔缺陷,重新再进行这些步骤。
People from 28 different countries have booked to travel and retrace the liner's original route. 来自28个不同国家的人们预订了纪念号的船票,他们希望沿着当年的航线重温传奇之旅。
She clicked through her camera to retrace the flight paths in the photos. 她翻看相机里的照片,试图在照片上追溯俩人的飞行路径。
So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route 于是我驾车返回小镇,重新按路线行驶
You might find your ticket if you retrace your steps back to the car. 如果原路折回到车子那里,就有可能寻回你的票。
While some of those on board the memorial cruise were relatives of the victims, others had paid thousands of pounds in order to retrace the vessel's fateful journey from Southampton to New York. 尽管纪念邮轮上的一些人是遇难者的亲属,但也有一些是专门花费了几千英镑的船票来重游泰坦尼克号从南安普敦开往纽约的宿命之旅。
At the moment when the traveller, after the inward deliberation which we have just described, resolved to retrace his steps, this child returned. 这位赶路人在经过了我们刚才所说的那些思想活动以后,正打算原路踅回头,那孩子回来了。
He had not the strength to retrace his steps, to recommence the journey which he had already taken. 退回去,重新走那条骇人的已走过的路线,他已没有力气。
But there were so many hillocks and banks to climb and pass, that, at length, I began to be weary, and told her we must halt, and retrace our steps. 可是有这么多小山和斜坡要爬、要过,终于我开始感到累了,就告诉她我们必须打住往回走。
In addition, be sure to provide markers, such as back buttons, that users can use to find out where they are and how to retrace their steps. 另外,确保提供像后退按钮这样的标记,这样用户可以很快找到他们在哪并知道如何返回上一步。
Does the ability to map the unknown deserve less credit from society than the ability to retrace the known? 预测未知的能力,难道不如追究已知的能力值得社会推重吗?
So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route, taking frequent glances at the map. I landed up at the same corner. 所以我开车回城,重新回忆路线,时不时地查看地图,最后我还是来到同一个转角。
Meanwhile Angel Clare had walked automatically along the way by which he had come. I dropped my keys and had to retrace my steps for nearly a mile before I found them. 那时候,安玑·克莱已经丢魂失魄地顺着原先的来路走回去了。我把钥匙丢失了,结果只得顺原路折回,走了差不多一英里才找到。
Urged him to retrace his steps. 并且劝他转回去。
We should retrace the roots of racism in the perspective of history. 我们应该从历史上去追溯种族主义形成的根源。
I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route, taking frequent glances at the map. 所以我又驱车返回那个小镇,频频查看地图,重新按路线行驶。
Once at Shin Kong find whatever takes your fancy, and then retrace route. 一旦在新光天地找到引发想象力的东西,就会重走一遍路线。
They are scraping DNA off the cheeks of this kaleidoscope of people and attempting to retrace humanity's journey to all corners of the earth on this single street. 他们在采集不同人种的口腔黏膜DNA样本,试图从这条街回溯人类走遍世界各角落的旅程。
My leader also stopped, and was so kind as to allow me to retrace my steps. 和善的夫子同我站在一块不动,而且允许我往后退回一些。
It also transports auxiliary data bi-directionally over the same link during the video vertical retrace interval. 它还辅助数据传输双向视频在垂直回扫过程中间隔相同的链接。
Nevertheless, Kidron is a most moving place for anyone wishing to retrace Jesus'footsteps. 不过,克德隆仍是人们追寻耶稣脚踪最让人感动的地方。
Let's retrace his thinking through each of these processes. 让我们返溯萨姆的思维活动每一个过程吧!
I could hack into this, retrace her steps, find out where she's been. 我能限免进入里面,追踪她的足迹,找出她曾去过哪。
I need to retrace your steps. 我要重复你的步骤。
Analysis and Correction of Retrace Error for Nonnull Aspheric Testing 非球面非零位检测中的回程误差分析与校正
You must retrace your steps. 你必须折回原来走过的路;你必须重来一次。
We were lost and decided to retrace our steps. 我们迷路了,决定沿原路返回。