She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate. 她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。
Before I'd finished reading it, she snitched my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. 我还没有读完我那本《杀死一只知更鸟》,她就把书给偷走了。
Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch. 你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。
Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game. 带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!
Do you think I'm just some snitch? 你认为我是告密者?
Snitch, for example, remains dedicated to using his algorithms and drones in novel ways. 例如,斯尼奇仍在致力于为自己的算法和无人机寻找新用途。
The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game. 找球手一旦抓到金色飞贼,比赛就结束了。
I managed to snitch Abdul abdullah's breakfast. 我想办法把阿布阿度拉偷到手。
I want to know who the snitch is. 我想知道告密者是指谁。
Frank: But not a snitch! 法兰克:但却不是告密出卖。
His cousin's partner won't know he's a snitch. 他表兄的拍档不知道他是内鬼。
Is there any chance at all your snitch is playing both ends? 有没有可能你的线人两边都玩呢?
Because I know no one likes a snitch. 虽然我知道没人愿意成为告密者。
Promise you won't snitch on me? 答应我,一定不告发我行吗?
He had received several more Bludger injuries during practice because he had not been keeping his eyes on the Snitch. 因为眼睛没有一直注意看金色飞贼,他在训练中被游走球额外多撞伤了几次。
So that everyone sees you and thinks I'm a snitch? 让每个人见到你就认为我是告发者?
Let me worry about my snitch, all right? 让我先照看下我的搭挡,好吗?
"How much does the chosen snitch want for this?" “那个选中的告密者要多少?”
Announcer: The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch. 解说∶游走球现在已经飞起来了,金色飞贼跟在后面。
Announcer: He's got the Snitch. 解说∶他抓到了金色飞贼。
What does he want to snitch this time? 他这次又要偷什么?
A snitch is the scum of the information industry. 告密的都是信息产业的残渣。
You have been whining like a little snitch all week. 整个礼拜你就像个贼人一样在抱怨。
They considered it a crime to snitch on one of their own group to the teacher. 他们认为向老师告自己的同伴的状是有罪的。
Society would call you an informant, a rat, a snitch. 社会上称你为告密者、小人和小贼。
I know you don't wanna be a snitch. 我知道你不想成为告密者。
In lockup, tagged with a rep as a snitch. 你会以告密者的身份进监狱。
Luckily he was only five or six feet above the ground, having dived so low to catch the Snitch, but he was winded all the same as he landed flat on his back on the frozen pitch. 幸亏他在抓住飞贼时俯冲得离地面只有五六英尺,但他还是被打得喘不过气来,仰面朝天倒在冻硬了的球场上。