Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds. 高校及其他研究机构抱怨经费不足。
For thus saith the LORD, Enter not into the house of mourning, neither go to lament nor bemoan them: for I have taken away my peace from this people, saith the LORD, even lovingkindness and mercies. 连大带小、都必在这地死亡、不得葬埋.人必不为他们哀哭、不用刀划身、也不使头光秃。
Weep ye not for the dead, neither bemoan him: but weep sore for him that goeth away: for he shall return no more, nor see his native country. 不要为他悲伤,却要为离家出外的人大大哭号。因为他不得再回来,也不得再见他的本国。
Of course, parents will always bemoan the loss of childhood innocence as they struggle to deal with children who are forced to confront issues like sex and violence a long time before they are emotionally able. 当然,父母会竭力制止孩子在心智远未成熟前就接触性和暴力,同时他们也会哀叹纯真的丧失。
They shouldn` t underestimate their own capabilities and constantly bemoan their fate, he said. 他说,他们不应低估自身能力,也不要自怨自艾,哀叹命运。
Chinese Internet users often bemoan the fact that China's wealthy are able to easily skirt the country's one-child policy by simply paying the fines. 中国的网民经常感叹国内富人能够通过支付罚款轻松绕过独生子女政策的限制。
Index providers also bemoan the settlement process in China, which currently differs from conventional standards, and the lack of clarity around capital gains tax. 指数供应商还对中国当前异于常规标准的结算程序以及资本利得税缺乏透明度颇有微词。
As climate change gets forgotten, the latest fake liberals are the Davos types who bemoan inequality at billionaire-sponsored cocktail parties. 随着气候变化渐渐被人们抛诸脑后,那些齐聚达沃斯、在亿万富翁赞助的鸡尾酒会上抱怨不平等的人成了最新的伪自由派人士。
Many successful professional women bemoan the difficulty of finding a husband matching their wealth, social status and education. 许多事业有成的女子都哀叹,想要找到一个和自己经济水平、社会地位、受教育程度都相当的意中人实在太难。
But some noted the paradox of the award going to an economist from a nation where the economy was less than shimmering, and where many businesses and critics bemoan a culture of excessive red tape. 但有人指出,这个奖项有其矛盾之处:它被颁给了来自法国的经济学家,而那里的经济状况相当糟糕,许多企业和批评人士都抱怨该国文化充满了官僚作风。
While women in developed markets bemoan disconnect with financial services, in the developing world financial programs aimed to lift families out of poverty are focused on women. 当发家国家的女性为与金融处事的“断路”哀叹时,成长中国家旨在脱贫的金融项目将方针瞄向女性。
And it shall come to pass, that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee? 凡看见你的,都必逃跑离开你,说,尼尼微荒凉了。有谁为你悲伤呢?我何处寻得安慰你的人呢?
Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days ensherned in mem-ory are never lost. 真正珍惜过去的人,不会悲叹旧日美好时光的逝去。因为藏于记忆中的时光永不流失。
Mourinho was challenged over his right to bemoan his injury misfortune when Valencia can point to list of missing players containing marchena, gavilan, edu, morientes, Navarro and baraja. 穆里尼奥被质疑他并无资格抱怨他的球队伤员大灾难,因为瓦伦西亚随时可以拿出一份冗长的缺席球员名单包括了马切纳、加维兰、埃杜、莫伦特斯、纳瓦罗和巴拉哈。
And Carr is not the first to bemoan this development. 卡尔不是第一个哀叹这个发展的人。
It might then bemoan the nervous strain in the quest for economic growth and the lack of time or energy for more worthwhile activities. 随后,它可能哀叹追求经济增长的紧张压力,以及缺乏时间与精力来进行更有价值的活动。
Comments on the Miscellaneous Essay in Hongkong; Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics. 重镇·财富·奇观&香港专栏杂文的评价专栏评论则为沙特阿拉伯青年的狂热,统治者的冷漠,和宗教组织的掌权而哀叹。
Generally, the organisers want to celebrate the strongly individualistic tendencies of only children rather than to bemoan the fact that, according to Ann Richardson, most onlies say they grow up feeling "weird" or "a bit of an outsider". 总体来说,组织者是想赞扬独生子女强烈的个人主义倾向,而不是哀叹安理查森所说的那种情况,即:大多数独生子女表示自己在成长过程中觉得“古怪”或“有点像局外人”。
Purists bemoan the corruption of the language. She can speak pure English. 主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯。她能讲纯正的英语。
Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind. 不要再去抱怨那些你本该忘记的人或事。
Teachers often bemoan the lack of respect from students. 老师们经常感叹学生们缺乏尊师重教的精神。
Why bemoan this fact? 为什么要对这个事实叹息呢?
Many Koreans, particularly those on the left, bemoan the weak social safety net and the intensely competitive nature of the society. 许多韩国人,尤其是持左翼立场的韩国人,抱怨社会保障网络薄弱,社会竞争激烈。
Far more of p.euphratica bemoan may save mankind should be laments the Euphrates poplar forests is to save mankind of their homes. 哀叹胡杨的远去也许更应该哀叹人类自己,拯救胡杨林便是拯救人类自己的家园。
Yet such efforts have yet to be echoed elsewhere; industry executives, for example, bemoan lukewarm support from Europe. 不过,这些努力仍未得到其它地方的回应;例如,行业高管们哀叹称,欧洲的支持不冷不热。
While other UK banks bemoan their exposure to Europe and North America, StanChart is making hay in Asia. 当英国其它银行为身陷欧洲和北美而哀叹时,渣打正在亚洲大赚其钱。
It is fashionable for chief executives to bemoan a lack of visibility. 首席执行官们哀叹看不清前景已成为时尚。
When eventually beauty is to fade, we should not just bemoan but to cherish it more. 当美丽终究无法保留,那么我们就不能仅仅限于惋惜,而更应珍惜。
But the French side may bemoan a lack of penetration and risk-taking on their own patch when this tie draws to an end. 但法国球队在自己的场地上也没有什么穿透力和有威胁的进攻。
In the face of the fast development of modern science and technology in the world, we should not bemoan our inadequacy. 面对世界上现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们不应该望洋兴叹。