
英 [dʒʌmp] 美 [dʒʌmp]

v.  跳; 跃; 跳跃; 跳过; 跃过; 跨越; 快速移动; 突然移动
n.  跳; 跃; 跳跃; (比赛中需跳过的)障碍物; 突升; 猛涨; 激增



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1784 / COCA.1346



    跳 move off/to ground

  1. 跳;跃;跳跃
    to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet
    1. to jump into the air/over a wall/into the water
    2. ‘Quick, jump!’ he shouted.
    3. The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
    4. She jumped down from the chair.
    5. The pilot jumped from the burning plane (= with a parachute ) .
    6. She has jumped 2.2 metres.
  2. 跨越 pass over sth

  3. 跳过;跃过;跨越
    to pass over sth by jumping
    1. Can you jump that gate?
    2. His horse fell as it jumped the last hurdle.
    3. I jumped my horse over all the fences.
  4. 快速移动 move quickly

  5. 快速移动;突然移动
    to move quickly and suddenly
    1. He jumped to his feet when they called his name.
    2. She jumped up and ran out of the room.
    3. Do you want a ride? Jump in.
  6. (因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动,突然一跳
    to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement
    1. A loud bang made me jump.
    2. Her heart jumped when she heard the news.
  7. 增加 increase

  8. 突升;猛涨;激增
    to rise suddenly by a large amount
    1. Prices jumped by 60% last year.
    2. Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.
  9. 突然改变 change suddenly

  10. 突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目)
    to change suddenly from one subject to another
    1. I couldn't follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another.
    2. The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London.
  11. 略去 leave out

  12. 略去;略过;跳过
    to leave out sth and pass to a further point or stage
    1. You seem to have jumped several steps in the argument.
  13. 机器;器具 of machine/device

  14. 突然跳出正常位置;意外地离开正常位置
    to move suddenly and unexpectedly, especially out of the correct position
    1. The needle jumped across the dial.
    2. The film jumped during projection.
  15. 袭击 attack

  16. 突然袭击(某人);猛地扑向(某人)
    to attack sb suddenly
    1. The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway.
  17. 车辆 vehicle

  18. 跳上(车辆等)
    to get on a vehicle very quickly
    1. 跳上(车辆等)
      to get on a vehicle very quickly
      1. 活泼 be lively

      2. 欢跃;雀跃
        to be very lively
        1. The bar's jumping tonight.


        运动 movement

      1. 跳;跃;跳跃
        an act of jumping
        1. a jump of over six metres
        2. The story takes a jump back in time.
        3. Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building.
        4. to do a parachute jump
        5. a ski jump champion
        6. I sat up with a jump (= quickly and suddenly) .
        7. The negotiations took a jump forward yesterday (= they made progress) .
      2. 障碍物 barrier

      3. (比赛中需跳过的)障碍物
        a barrier like a narrow fence that a horse or a runner has to jump over in a race or competition
        1. The horse fell at the last jump.
      4. 增加 increase

      5. 突升;猛涨;激增
        a sudden increase in amount, price or value
        1. a 20 per cent jump in pre-tax profits
        2. unusually large price jumps


      1. VERB 跳;跃;跳跃
        If you jump, you bend your knees, push against the ground with your feet, and move quickly upwards into the air.
        1. I jumped over the fence...
        2. They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off...
        3. I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record...
        4. Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump?
        5. Jump is also a noun.
        6. She was taking tiny jumps in her excitement.
      2. VERB 跳下;跃出
        If you jump from something above the ground, you deliberately push yourself into the air so that you drop towards the ground.
        1. He jumped out of a third-floor window...
        2. She has jumped from an aeroplane four times...
        3. I jumped the last six feet down to the deck.
      3. VERB 跳过,跃过,跨越(栅栏等)
        If you jump something such as a fence, you move quickly up and through the air over or across it.
        1. He jumped the first fence beautifully.
      4. VERB 快速移动;一跃而起
        If you jump somewhere, you move there quickly and suddenly.
        1. Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry...
        2. She jumped to her feet and ran downstairs...
        3. 'I'll do it, Eleanor,' Angus said, jumping up.
      5. VERB (因害怕或吃惊)猛地一跳,突然一跳
        If something makes you jump, it makes you make a sudden movement because you are frightened or surprised.
        1. The phone shrilled, making her jump.
      6. VERB (数量或水平)突升,激增
        If an amount or level jumps, it suddenly increases or rises by a large amount in a short time.
        1. Sales jumped from $94 million to over $101 million...
          销售额从9, 400万美元激增到了1.0 1亿美元。
        2. The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year...
        3. Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.
        4. Jump is also a noun.
        5. ...a big jump in energy conservation.
      7. VERB 插(队);不按顺序排(队)
        If someone jumps a queue, they move to the front of it and are served or dealt with before it is their turn.
        1. The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.
      8. VERB 突然袭击;出其不意地攻击
        If someone jumps on you or jumps you, they attack you suddenly or unexpectedly.
        1. A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn...
        2. Two guys jumped me with clubs in the carpark.
      9. VERB 迫不及待地接受,欣然应承(建议或机会)
        If you jump at an offer or opportunity, you accept it quickly and eagerly.
        1. Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.
      10. VERB 毫不犹豫地批评;立即责备
        If someone jumps on you, they quickly criticize you if you do something that they do not approve of.
        1. A lot of people jumped on me about that, you know.
      11. See also: bungee jumping high jump long jump queue-jumping show jumping triple jump
      12. PHRASE 比…占先;胜过;优于
        If you get a jump on something or someone or get the jump on them, you gain an advantage over them.
        1. Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze...
        2. The idea is to get the jump on him.
      13. PHRASE 非常激动;欣喜若狂;暴跳如雷
        If you say that someone is jumping up and down, you mean they are very excited, happy, or angry about something.
        1. I don't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say 'thank heavens'..
        2. Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants.
      14. to jump on the bandwagon → see: bandwagon


      1. Sotomayor, the Cuban holder of the world high jump record, cleared 2.36 metres.
      2. I jumped over the fence
      3. They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off
      4. I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record
      5. Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump?
      6. He jumped out of a third-floor window
      7. She has jumped from an aeroplane four times
      8. I jumped the last six feet down to the deck.
      9. He jumped the first fence beautifully.
      10. Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry
      11. She jumped to her feet and ran downstairs
      12. 'I'll do it, Eleanor,' Angus said, jumping up.
      13. The phone shrilled, making her jump.
      14. Sales jumped from$ 94 million to over$ 101 million
      15. The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year
      16. Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.
      17. The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.
      18. A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn
      19. Two guys jumped me with clubs in the carpark.
      20. Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.
      21. A lot of people jumped on me about that, you know.
      22. Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze
      23. The idea is to get the jump on him.
      24. I don't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say 'thank heavens'..
      25. Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants.
      26. A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time
      27. His team-mates opened hotel windows, shouting 'Jump!' and somewhat less printable banter.
      28. He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match
      29. We should not jump to conclusions. Let's investigate first.
      30. He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump.


        jump leap spring【导航词义:跳】

        jump v. 跳,跳跃


      The horse jumped the fence.
      He jumped out of a third-storey window.
      He jumped to his feet and ran out of the room.

        leap v. 跳跃,跃过

      〔辨析〕常可与 jump 换用,但侧重表示身体猛力向上跃起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然之意。

      He leapt/jumped the fence and ran to the cinema.
      A fish leapt/jumped out of water and landed on the shore.

        spring v. 跳,蹦,跃起


      The cat sprang out of the door.
      He sprang to his feet and ran downstairs.


      jump in

      1. 匆忙行动;不假思索地做  

      jump out

      1. 极易引起…的注意  


      jump at sth

      1. 迫不及待地接受,欣然接受(机会、建议等)
        to accept an opportunity, offer, etc. with enthusiasm



          be jumping up and down

        • 暴跳如雷;欢欣雀跃
          to be very angry or excited about sth
          1. jump down sb's throat

          2. 愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人
            to react very angrily to sb
            1. jump the gun

            2. 抢跑;过早行动
              to do sth too soon, before the right time
              1. jump the lights

              2. 闯红灯
                to fail to stop at a red traffic light
                1. jump out of your skin

                2. 大吃一惊;吓一大跳
                  to move violently because of a sudden shock
                  1. jump the queue

                  2. 插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队
                    to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn
                    1. jump the rails

                    2. 出轨,脱轨
                      to leave the rails suddenly
                      1. jump ship

                      2. 擅自弃职离船
                        to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission
                        1. 擅自离队;擅离职守
                          to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly
                          1. jump through hoops

                          2. (为达到目的而)经受磨难
                            to do sth difficult or complicated in order to achieve sth
                            1. jump to it

                            2. 赶快;加油;快点干
                              used to tell sb to hurry and do something quickly
                              1. climb/jump on the bandwagon

                              2. 赶时髦;追随潮流
                                to join others in doing sth that is becoming fashionable because you hope to become popular or successful yourself
                                1. politicians eager to jump on the environmental bandwagon
                              3. jump/leap to conclusions

                                jump/leap to the conclusion that…

                              4. 匆忙下结论;贸然断定
                                to make a decision about sb/sth too quickly, before you know or have thought about all the facts
                                1. There I go again─jumping to conclusions.
                              5. jump/be thrown in at the deep end

                              6. (使)陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展
                                to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared for
                                1. Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs.


                                to keep, etc. one jump ahead (of sb)

                              • (尤指竞争中)保持优于(某人)的地位,(比某人)优先一步,(比某人)略胜一筹
                                to keep your advantage over sb, especially your competitors , by taking action before they do or by making sure you know more than they do
                                1. be for the high jump

                                2. 将遭到严厉惩罚
                                  to be going to be severely punished
                                  1. (go and) take a running jump

                                  2. 滚开;走开
                                    used to tell sb in a rude way to go away



                                    1. the act of jumping
                                      1. he advanced in a series of jumps
                                      2. the jumping was unexpected

                                      Synonym:    jumping

                                    2. descent with a parachute
                                      1. he had done a lot of parachuting in the army

                                      Synonym:    parachuting

                                    3. a sudden involuntary movement
                                      1. he awoke with a start

                                      Synonym:    startlestart

                                    4. (film) an abrupt transition from one scene to another

                                      1. an abrupt transition
                                        1. a successful leap from college to the major leagues

                                        Synonym:    leapsaltation

                                      2. a sudden and decisive increase
                                        1. a jump in attendance

                                        Synonym:    leap


                                      1. go back and forth

                                          Synonym:    alternate

                                        1. rise in rank or status
                                          1. Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list

                                          Synonym:    riseclimb up

                                        2. increase suddenly and significantly
                                          1. Prices jumped overnight

                                        3. pass abruptly from one state or topic to another
                                          1. leap into fame
                                          2. jump to a conclusion
                                          3. jump from one thing to another

                                          Synonym:    leap

                                        4. bypass
                                          1. He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible

                                          Synonym:    pass overskipskip over

                                        5. enter eagerly into
                                          1. He jumped into the game

                                        6. make a sudden physical attack on
                                          1. The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat

                                        7. start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery

                                            Synonym:    jumpstartjump-start

                                          1. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
                                            1. She startled when I walked into the room

                                            Synonym:    startlestart

                                          2. move forward by leaps and bounds
                                            1. The horse bounded across the meadow
                                            2. The child leapt across the puddle
                                            3. Can you jump over the fence?

                                            Synonym:    leapboundspring

                                          3. cause to jump or leap
                                            1. the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop

                                            Synonym:    leap

                                          4. jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute

                                              Synonym:    chuteparachute

                                            1. run off or leave the rails
                                              1. the train derailed because a cow was standing on the tracks

                                              Synonym:    derail

                                            2. jump down from an elevated point
                                              1. the parachutist didn't want to jump
                                              2. every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge
                                              3. the widow leapt into the funeral pyre

                                              Synonym:    leapjump off

                                            3. be highly noticeable

                                                Synonym:    leap outjump outstand outstick out