破碎 in pieces
- (使)破,裂,碎
to be damaged and separated into two or more parts , as a result of force; to damage sth in this way
- All the windows broke with the force of the blast.
爆炸的力量震碎了所有的窗户。 - She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces .
她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。 - to break a cup/window
打破杯子 / 窗户 - She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.
她从梯子上掉下来,摔断了胳膊。 - He broke the chocolate in two .
停止运转 stop working
- 弄坏;损坏;坏掉
to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage sth and stop it from working
- My watch has broken.
我的表坏了。 - I think I've broken the washing machine.
皮肤 skin
- 弄破;使流血
to cut the surface of the skin and make it bleed
- The dog bit me but didn't break the skin.
法律;承诺 law/promise
- 违犯;背弃
to do sth that is against the law; to not keep a promise, etc.
- to break the law/rules/conditions
违反法律 / 规章 / 所定条件 - to break an agreement/a contract/a promise/your word
违反协议 / 合同 / 允诺;食言 - to break an appointment (= not to come to it)
失约 - He was breaking the speed limit (= travelling faster than the law allows) .
暂停 stop for short time
- 稍停;暂停
to stop doing sth for a while, especially when it is time to eat or have a drink
- Let's break for lunch.
我们休息一会儿,吃午饭。 - a broken night's sleep (= a night during which you often wake up)
夜间时时醒来的睡眠 - We broke our journey in Oxford (= stopped in Oxford on the way to the place we were going to) .
中断 end sth
- 打断;中断
to interrupt sth so that it ends suddenly
- She broke the silence by coughing.
她的咳嗽声打破了寂静。 - A tree broke his fall (= stopped him as he was falling) .
他坠落时一棵树挡住了他。 - The phone rang and broke my train of thought.
- 强行终止;破坏
to make sth end by using force or strong action
- an attempt to break the year-long siege
试图冲破长达一年的围困 - Management has not succeeded in breaking the strike .
- 终止,断绝(关系、联系)
to end a connection with sth or a relationship with sb
- He broke all links with the Democratic party.
逃跑 escape
- 逃脱;挣脱
to get away from or out of a position in which they are stuck or trapped
- He finally managed to break free from his attacker.
毁坏;被毁坏 destroy, be destroyed
- (被)摧毁,削弱
to destroy sth or make sb/sth weaker; to become weak or be destroyed
- to break sb's morale/resistance/resolve/spirit
瓦解某人的士气 / 抵抗力 / 决心 / 精神 - The government was determined to break the power of the trade unions.
政府决心削弱工会的力量。 - The scandal broke him (= ruined his reputation and destroyed his confidence) .
这桩丑闻把他毁了。 - She broke under questioning (= was no longer able to bear it) and confessed to everything.
使难过 make sb feel bad
- 使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂
to make sb feel so sad, lonely, etc. that they cannot live a normal life
- The death of his wife broke him completely.
天气 of weather
- (常指好天气)突变
to change suddenly, usually after a period when it has been fine
露出缝隙 show opening
- 露出缝隙;散开
to show an opening
- The clouds broke and the sun came out.
白天;黎明;风暴 of day/dawn/storm
- 开始;(风暴)发作
when the day or dawn or a storm breaks , it begins
- Dawn was breaking when they finally left.
消息 of news
- 透露;传开
if a piece of news breaks , it becomes known
- There was a public outcry when the scandal broke.
丑闻一传开,舆论一片哗然。 - breaking news (= news that is arriving about events that have just happened)
- (第一个将坏消息向某人)公布,透露,说出
to be the first to tell sb some bad news
- Who's going to break it to her?
由谁来把这事告诉她呢? - I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
嗓音 of voice
- (因激动)变调
if sb's voice breaks , it changes its tone because of emotion
- Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news.
- (指男孩在13或14岁时嗓音)变粗,变低
when a boy's voice breaks , it becomes permanently deeper at about the age of 13 or 14
纪录 a record
- 打破(纪录)
to do sth better, faster, etc. than anyone has ever done it before
- She had broken the world 100 metres record.
她打破了100米世界纪录。 - The movie broke all box-office records.
波浪 of waves
- 拍岸;迸溅
when waves break , they fall and are dissolved into foam , usually near land
- the sound of waves breaking on the beach
浪涛拍岸的声音 - The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.
秘密 sth secret
- 破译;破解
to find the meaning of sth secret
- to break a code
钱 money
- 把…换成零钱;找开
to change a banknote for coins
- Can you break a twenty-dollar bill?
暂停;间歇 short stop/pause
- 间歇;休息
a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest, eat, etc.
- a coffee/lunch/tea break
用咖啡 / 午饭 / 茶的休息时间 - Let's take a break .
咱们休息会儿吧。 - a break for lunch
午餐休息 - She worked all day without a break.
- 课间休息
a period of time between lessons at school
- Come and see me at break.
- 间断;暂停
a pause or period of time when sth stops before starting again
- a break in my daily routine
我日常生活中的一段小插曲 - She wanted to take a career break in order to have children.
- (电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙
a pause for advertisements in the middle of a television or radio programme
- More news after the break.
假期 holiday/vacation
- 短期休假
a short holiday/vacation
- We had a weekend break in New York.
我们在纽约度过了一个周末假日。 - a well-earned break
状况改变 change in situation
- (持续一段时间的状况的)改变,终止,中断
the moment when a situation that has existed for a time changes, ends or is interrupted
- He needed to make a complete break with the past.
他得与过去彻底告别。 - a break with tradition/convention (= a change from what is accepted, in sth such as art, behaviour, etc.)
突破传统;破除习俗 - a break in the weather (= a change from one type of weather to a different one)
天气的转变 - a break in diplomatic relations
缝隙;空间 opening/space
- 间隔;缝隙
a space or an opening between two or more things
- We could see the moon through a break in the clouds.
机遇 opportunity
- 机会;机遇
an opportunity to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success
- I got my lucky break when I won a ‘Young Journalist of the Year’ competition.
我时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者”竞赛中取胜。 - We've had a few bad breaks (= pieces of bad luck) along the way.
骨骼 of bone
- 破裂;骨折
a place where sth, especially a bone in your body, has broken
- The X-ray showed there was no break in his leg.
网球 in tennis
- 接发球得分
a win in a game in which your opponent is serving
- It was her second break in the set.
这是本盘比赛中她第二次接发球得分。 - break point (= a situation in which, if you win the next point, you win the game)
台球;斯诺克 in billiards/snooker
- 接连击中;接连击中所得的分数
a series of successful shots by one player; the number of points scored in a series of successful shots
- He's put together a magnificent break.
他总共得了很多分。 - a 147 break (= the highest possible break in snooker )